
  • Application deadline

    June 21 2024

    Potential research teams (RTs) interested in participating in #ManyDesignsCarbon can register using the provided form. The project coordinators will review all applications based on the established eligibility criteria. Please note that the deadline for registration is June 21, 2024

  • Notification of participation

    June 28 2024

    All RTs who have signed up will be notified about their participation status in #ManyDesignsCarbon. At this point, the online forms for pre-registering the experimental designs will be activated.

  • Pre-registration & Survey A

    September 20 2024

    At the time RTs have to submit the pre-analysis plan (template) of their design, they also have to submit a filled-out survey about their beliefs about standardized effect sizes of their design (Cohen’s d or Cohen’s h). Immediately after this stage, the design proposals of RTs are randomly distributed for survey B. Furthermore, the RTs receive the codes (oTree or Qualtrics) on the policy survey to be implemented at the end of the experimental software.

  • Software submission & Survey B

    October 11 2024

    The deadline for experimental software submission of the RTs including the policy survey codes (oTree or Qualtrics). Additionally, each RT must submit another filled-out survey, anonymously assessing 10 other designs before any data is collected. Specifically, the RTs have to assess the level of informativeness of the design concerning the research question (Likert scale from 0 - not at all informative to 10 - extremely informative), assess the type of behavioral intervention implemented (open-ended question), and predict the effect size (Cohen's d or Cohen's h, depending on the outcome variable) of each design.

  • Piloting

    November 8 2024

    To confirm feasibility, the project coordinators will run pilot sessions and if needed discuss with RTs. Pilot data is NOT used for the main analysis of the metascience paper.

  • Rollout

    November 22 2024

    Start of running the experiments (done by the project coordinators).

  • Analysis and first draft

    May 2025

    A first draft of the paper (done by the project coordinators with 10 days of feedback period for the RTs regarding major changes).