
Before signing-up for participation be sure to have read the eligibility conditions, procedure and the experimental protocol. For more details, you can also take a look into the FAQ.

Full name
E-Mail address
In which field do you hold a PhD?
If there is no second team member, leave these fields blank.
Full name
E-Mail address
In which field do you hold a PhD?
Please provide a link to an article or working paper of an experimental study one of the two team members conducted.
Note that at least one team member needs one experimental study that is either published (accepted for publication) or a working paper to be eligible for participating in #ManyDesignsCarbon.
Please tell us briefly why you consider yourself qualified to participate in #ManyDesignsCarbon.

Informed Consent for #ManyDesignsCarbon

Data Confidentiality: Initially, only the respective Research Team (RT) and the Project Coordinators (PCs) will have access to the data from the study. RTs must refrain from sharing or discussing findings until the #ManyDesignsCarbon paper is published in a journal (expected to be in summer 2025).

Post-Publication Access: After publication in a journal, the projects OSF repository will be made public under a CC-BY license. The repository will include the pre-registration of the project, the anonymized pre-registrations by the RTs, software codes, and all original data.

Data Anonymization: To ensure privacy, the datasets, the pre-registrations by the RTs and the software codes will be cleaned to remove identifiers, making it impossible to trace data back to individual contributors.

Co-Authorship Eligibility for Research Team Members: Co-authorship will be extended to all members of each Research Team (RT). Eligibility for authorship, however, will be limited to the members of those RTs who successfully complete all project phases. This includes timely submission of design proposals, provision of suitable and feasible experimental software, and completion of both required surveys (A and B).

Participant Compensation Structure: The Project Coordinators (PCs) will cover fixed payments of GBP 1.50 per participant, along with an average bonus of GBP 3 per participant. Should average bonus payments to participants exceed this specified amount, the obligation to cover any additional costs will fall to the respective research teams.